Why is Training Important For a Working and Verified Nurse?

Gaps In The Nursing Industry

Research says approximately 10.3 lakh nurses are enrolled with the nursing council in India. However, only four lakh out of these are actively working. The majority of them left due to immigration, retirement, and marriage while some did not get their dream jobs due to lack of training and less experience.


Furthermore, 53.8% of nurses do not get relevant training according to the needs of the medical institutions and 94.2% reported that connecting the workplace to academic education impacts the quality of care provided.

According to a survey, 90% of nurses indicated that they require more training to carry out their professional activities. Also, considered that their postgraduate academic training is not appropriate to their placements.


With the increase in unforeseen circumstances (as witnessed by all of us) there is an increased need for knowledge and responsibility on the nurses. This in turn adds to their already high-stress levels and causes complete burnout. Training is extremely necessary to combat these obstacles and for nurses to think of their feet and absorb the extra pressure. 


Working and verified nurses face a lot of roadblocks in their nursing journey affecting their personal and professional life if they do not indulge in regular and updated training. 

Here are some major challenges encountered by them. 

5 Challenges Faced by Nurses

Lack of growth: Technologies and methods of treatment in the hospital change with time but nurses are not prepared for the same. There’s no proper training provided to educate them. Due to lack of training, nurses work in the same way and are not capable of competing with others to grow in their careers because growth needs developed skills. 


Monotony in jobs: Nurses performing the same task relentlessly feel a certain kind of monotony in their jobs. Mental monotony is performing the same task without any improvisations. Due to monotony in jobs, a person may become less creative, tired, lethargic, and lack enthusiasm. A person needs challenges in his job to bring enthusiasm and creativity in. To break this monotony, there’s a need to develop skills through training to perform everyday tasks in an improved manner. 


Working in unfavorable conditions: Nurses work in both day and night shifts and they are subjected to excessive workload, irregular workloads, long working hours, role confusion, distressful work relationships, and low professional status which results in an unhealthy environment for nurses. Additional training for nurses can help them to overcome these challenges.


Low Salary: In India, a nurse earns an average salary of Rs. 2,98,781 annually which is too low to fulfill their necessities. Even then many of the nurses continue working on the same pay because of a lack of opportunities. Nurses open themselves for better work, once they are adequately trained. 


Low Living Standards: As the level of income is low for nurses, they have low living standards. A large proportion of their income is spent on food and necessities. Training provides them with the correct ammunition to apply for better domestic and even global opportunities which can drastically improve their living conditions. 


Nurses are the most important asset for any healthcare institution but due to the lack of training, they face adversities at work and personal space. Lack of exposure and external help devoid nurses to step up in their careers.


But not anymore! IFANglobal is here to make you earn laurels at work! 

IFANglobal is one of the top healthcare recruitment companies in India. 

We at IFANGlobal strive to deliver competitive training to nurses and present them with an array of opportunities for work. 

We have a special program “Get Me Wings” for nurses wherein nurses can register themselves with us and access training and work opportunities in India and abroad. 


Apart from this, our latest venture for flexible recruitment,  “Jobizo” (digitized healthcare recruitment app) is on its launch stage. The verified nurses can sign up on our app and scroll through the short-term vacancies and apply digitally for them. 

IFANglobal is a cohesive solution for every nurse who aims to grow their careers multifold. You can leverage our associations with the top hospitals and make a career you always dreamt of!

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