How Crucial Is Mental Well-Being For Healthcare Professionals?

“Stigma against mental illness is a scourge with many faces, and the medical community wears a number of those faces.”

― Elyn R. Saks

Healthcare is a bustling sector with professionals running on busy schedules. As a result, healthcare professionals often have to deal with uncertainties and cope with extreme stress, jeopardising their mental health.


Even though the mental health of healthcare professionals was already declining in the pre-covid era, it has only worsened in the ongoing pandemic.


A study shows a high prevalence of depression among healthcare professionals who are always in the line of fire, with 15.4% having moderate to severe depression whereas 16% with moderate depression.

The prevalence of mental health problems for post-traumatic stress disorder was 49%, anxiety 40%, depression 37%, and distress 37%.


How Can Healthcare Institutions Extend Help?

Healthcare professionals have tight deadlines to follow as the flow of patients never stops. Additionally, the existing workforce is under immense pressure due to the shortage of qualified professionals.

Since professionals are the backbone of the healthcare industry, institutions must take necessary steps to support their mental well-being better.

Healthcare institutions have the means and resources to help stressed-out employees by extending mental health support to healthcare professionals.


Some of the steps that healthcare institutions can take to help professionals are:


Hire Sufficient Workforce

Instead of putting undue pressure on the existing staff, healthcare institutions can step up and address workforce shortages by hiring more professionals.


Professional-Centric HR Policies

Since HR is responsible for promoting a healthier work environment, professional-centric policies can help them by limiting work-related stressors.


Group Activities For Professionals

Healthcare institutions can encourage activities among their staff members to interact with fellow teammates through fun activities or a meet-up session. In addition, it helps healthcare professionals know individuals from other departments, promoting harmony and better coordination at work during tough times.


These are some of the ways that healthcare institutions can implement to tackle mental health-related problems among their professionals. Institutions can help resolve mental health issues among healthcare professionals and support employees through the tough times.


How Can Professionals Boost Their Mental Health?

Here are some of the best ways professionals can keep up with mental well-being and stay in good shape.

  • Keep a consistent sleep routine
  • Set realistic goals
  • Avoid too much caffeine intake
  • Surround yourself with positive individuals
  • Spending quality time with family




Why Must Professionals Prioritise Their Mental Well-Being?

Medical professionals suffer from a wide range of mental health conditions, which has been a major cause of concern. Hence, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to take their mental well-being more seriously.


Better Deal With Emergencies

Since healthcare professionals deal with too much stress, robust mental health can help them efficiently manage a medical crisis or their work on a daily basis. 


Good Career Growth

Professionals are not just dealing with too much work pressure but also face the downfall in careers and fall victim to mental health due to poor work-life balance. Due to this, professionals are not able to properly concentrate or, worse, overlook better career prospects. Therefore, giving importance to mental well-being and keeping it in good shape will help them professionally going forward.


Enhanced Workplace Coordination

When the mental health of frontline workers is compromised, stressed professionals won’t be able to do the job and better coordinate with fellow experts. However, on the contrary, when mental health is given importance to and adequately looked after, professionals will notice better teamwork during day-to-day operations.


No Long-Term Health Complications

Ignoring mental health is in no way going to benefit professionals in the longer run. Therefore, seeking support or addressing challenges associated with mental health early will help professionals avoid any long-term health drawbacks. 





Maintaining a positive mindset will help medical professionals tackle deteriorating mental health head-on. And we at IFANglobal, support the mental wellness of all healthcare professionals who work tirelessly and selflessly to serve the greater good.


As a leader in the global healthcare staffing industry, IFANglobal takes pride in placing more than 20,000 candidates in the top hospitals globally.


Our association with top hospitals over the last two decades is a testimony to the quality work we do without compromising the ethical standards while offering talented professionals to healthcare institutions and professionals with great job opportunities worldwide. 


Connect with us today, and take your career as a healthcare professional to the next level.

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