Contribution Of The Indian Healthcare Professionals To The NHS In The UK

As of March 2021, out of 190,571 NHS staff who reported non-British nationality, an estimated 32,117 were Indians. Additionally, out of 65,600 non-British nurses, an estimated 14,777 were Indians.


The statistics show how Indian healthcare professionals continue to add more to the UK healthcare sector. Indian healthcare professionals have always been in great demand in the international markets, and the UK healthcare sector is no different.


The UK National Health Service (NHS) is one of the world’s largest employers and the biggest in Europe. It became operational on the 5th of July 1948, and since then, it has grown in strength, adding over 1.7 million workers. The NHS is a centrally funded and organized healthcare system, free for all UK citizens based on their needs, not their ability to pay for it.


According to research by the Nuffield Trust health think tank, the NHS in England is estimated to be short of 12,000 hospital doctors and 50,000 nurses and midwives.


The growing workforce shortages and the need to deliver better patient care continue to open up more opportunities for talented healthcare professionals with the NHS as they look to build a more robust workforce. The growing opportunities at NHS have paved the way for Indians to build their career while working with a multicultural workforce.


Let’s understand what makes the NHS a lucrative opportunity for Indian healthcare professionals to build careers.


What Makes The NHS A Great Place To Work? 


  • Career advancement opportunities
  • Lucrative salary with various benefits
  • Excellent pension scheme
  • Home to leading research centres
  • Opportunity to work with a diverse workforce
  • World-class training and support to professionals
  • Great work-life balance


Indian Workforce Honored In The UK

In 2018, when the NHS turned 70, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) honored the contribution of doctors from India for playing a central role in the development of the NHS over the years. 


In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic took the world by storm. The United Kingdom faced significant challenges as the healthcare system collapsed due to the unprecedented crisis as healthcare institutions witnessed a surge in hospitalizations due to Covid-19. However, the UK government hailed the efforts of Indian healthcare professionals working with the NHS for their services.


WHO predicts a shortfall of more than 18 million health workers by 2030. The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship announced supplying 300,000 healthcare workers to various countries such as the US, the UK, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and Japan by 2022.


Why Are Indian Healthcare Professionals In Demand In The UK?


Robust Education System

India is the second most populous country in the world. The education system is one of the largest, producing highly skilled individuals. Additionally, some of the prestigious medical universities in India are ranked among the top global universities.


According to the CEOWORLD magazine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi secured 23rd rank, ahead of Oxford and Cambridge in rankings for the medical schools in the world.


Wide Talent Pool

With most medical colleges, India produces thousands of graduates annually. Since several Indians have served and continue to serve in the NHS, they look forward to tapping into the vast talent pool and adding more with each passing year. India has always remained a reliable source of talent for the NHS.


Immigrant Superpower 

India has emerged as an immigrant superpower and is one of the UK’s most potent sources of immigrant healthcare workers. Their contribution to the NHS is immense and has positively impacted the country’s healthcare delivery system, making them highly desirable.


India has always remained a trusted source of a talented healthcare workforce for the NHS, building the way forward and strengthening the strategic alliance between India and the UK.



The demand for Indian healthcare professionals will continue to grow with time. Looking at the rising demand, IFANglobal can help your medical facility in the UK find the best-suited and qualified professionals from India for the job.


IFANglobal has been actively hiring Indian professionals for the NHS, served over 300 employers across four continents, and placed more than 20000+ professionals across the globe. Additionally, IFANglobal has initiated a unique program, ‘Get me wings,’ which continues to train nurses for better job performance.


Whether you are a healthcare employer looking for talented candidates or a professional looking to work in the UK, IFANglobal can solve your recruitment hassle in no time.


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